TextIter - Class in com.ximpleware
This class iterates through all text nodes of an element.
TextIter() - Constructor for class com.ximpleware.TextIter
TextIter constructor comment.
TextIterHuge - Class in com.ximpleware.extended
This class iterates through all text nodes of an element.
TextIterHuge() - Constructor for class com.ximpleware.extended.TextIterHuge
TextIter constructor comment.
toBytes(int) - Method in class com.ximpleware.ElementFragmentNs
Transcode the ElementFragmentNS object to a byte array according to the destination encoding format
toBytes() - Method in class com.ximpleware.ElementFragmentNs
Return a byte array of an element with namespace compensation in its orginal encoding format
toElement(int) - Method in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge
A generic navigation method.
toElement(int, String) - Method in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge
A generic navigation method.
toElement(int) - Method in class com.ximpleware.VTDNav
A generic navigation method.
toElement(int, String) - Method in class com.ximpleware.VTDNav
A generic navigation method.
toElementNS(int, String, String) - Method in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge
A generic navigation method with namespace support.
toElementNS(int, String, String) - Method in class com.ximpleware.VTDNav
A generic navigation method with namespace support.
toIntArray() - Method in class com.ximpleware.FastIntBuffer
Returns the int array corresponding to all int values in this buffer instance
TOKEN_ATTR_NAME - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge
TOKEN_ATTR_NAME - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge
TOKEN_ATTR_NAME - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDGen
TOKEN_ATTR_NAME - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDNav
TOKEN_ATTR_NS - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge
TOKEN_ATTR_NS - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge
TOKEN_ATTR_NS - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDGen
TOKEN_ATTR_NS - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDNav
TOKEN_ATTR_VAL - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge
TOKEN_ATTR_VAL - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge
TOKEN_ATTR_VAL - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDGen
TOKEN_ATTR_VAL - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDNav
TOKEN_CDATA_VAL - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge
TOKEN_CDATA_VAL - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge
TOKEN_CDATA_VAL - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDGen
TOKEN_CDATA_VAL - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDNav
TOKEN_CHARACTER_DATA - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge
TOKEN_CHARACTER_DATA - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge
TOKEN_CHARACTER_DATA - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDGen
TOKEN_CHARACTER_DATA - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDNav
TOKEN_COMMENT - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge
TOKEN_COMMENT - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge
TOKEN_COMMENT - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDGen
TOKEN_COMMENT - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDNav
TOKEN_DEC_ATTR_NAME - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge
TOKEN_DEC_ATTR_NAME - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge
TOKEN_DEC_ATTR_NAME - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDGen
TOKEN_DEC_ATTR_NAME - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDNav
TOKEN_DEC_ATTR_VAL - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge
TOKEN_DEC_ATTR_VAL - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge
TOKEN_DEC_ATTR_VAL - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDGen
TOKEN_DEC_ATTR_VAL - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDNav
TOKEN_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge
TOKEN_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge
TOKEN_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDGen
TOKEN_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDNav
TOKEN_DTD_VAL - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge
TOKEN_DTD_VAL - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge
TOKEN_DTD_VAL - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDGen
TOKEN_DTD_VAL - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDNav
TOKEN_ENDING_TAG - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge
TOKEN_ENDING_TAG - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge
TOKEN_ENDING_TAG - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDGen
TOKEN_ENDING_TAG - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDNav
TOKEN_PI_NAME - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge
TOKEN_PI_NAME - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge
TOKEN_PI_NAME - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDGen
TOKEN_PI_NAME - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDNav
TOKEN_PI_VAL - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge
TOKEN_PI_VAL - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge
TOKEN_PI_VAL - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDGen
TOKEN_PI_VAL - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDNav
TOKEN_STARTING_TAG - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDGenHuge
TOKEN_STARTING_TAG - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge
TOKEN_STARTING_TAG - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDGen
TOKEN_STARTING_TAG - Static variable in class com.ximpleware.VTDNav
toLongArray() - Method in class com.ximpleware.FastLongBuffer
Convert all longs into a long array.
toNormalizedString(int) - Method in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge
This method normalizes a token into a string in a way that resembles DOM.
toNormalizedString(int) - Method in class com.ximpleware.VTDNav
This method normalizes a token into a string value of character data and attr val in a way that resembles DOM.
toRawString(int) - Method in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge
Convert a token at the given index to a String, (built-in entity and char references not resolved) (entities and char references not expanded).
toRawString(int) - Method in class com.ximpleware.VTDNav
Convert a token at the given index to a String, (entities and char references not expanded).
toRawStringLowerCase(int) - Method in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge
toRawStringLowerCase(int) - Method in class com.ximpleware.VTDNav
Convert a token at the given index to a String, upper case chars get converted into lower case (entities and char references not expanded).
toRawStringUpperCase(int) - Method in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge
toRawStringUpperCase(int) - Method in class com.ximpleware.VTDNav
Convert a token at the given index to a String, lower case chars get converted into upper case (entities and char references not expanded).
toString(int) - Method in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge
Convert a token at the given index to a String, (entities and char references resolved).
toString(int) - Method in class com.ximpleware.VTDNav
Convert a token at the given index to a String, (entities and char references resolved character data and attr val).
toStringLowerCase(int) - Method in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge
Convert a token at the given index to a String and any upper case character will be converted to lower case, (entities and char references resolved).
toStringLowerCase(int) - Method in class com.ximpleware.VTDNav
Convert a token at the given index to a String and any upper case character will be converted to lower case, (entities and char references resolved for character data and attr val).
toStringUpperCase(int) - Method in class com.ximpleware.extended.VTDNavHuge
Convert a token at the given index to a String and any lower case character will be converted to upper case, (entities and char references resolved).
toStringUpperCase(int) - Method in class com.ximpleware.VTDNav
Convert a token at the given index to a String and any lower case character will be converted to upper case, (entities and char references resolved character data and attr val).
touch(VTDNavHuge) - Method in class com.ximpleware.extended.TextIterHuge
Obtain the current navigation position and element info from VTDNav.
touch(VTDNav) - Method in class com.ximpleware.TextIter
Obtain the current navigation position and element info from VTDNav.