Class Summary |
AutoPilot |
XimpleWare's AutoPilot implementation encapsulating node iterator
and XPath. |
BookMark |
Bookmark is a single instance of a node position. |
ElementFragmentNs |
ElementFragmentNs represents a name-space compensated element fragment |
FastIntBuffer |
A fast, unsynchronized, chunk-based int buffer |
FastLongBuffer |
A fast, unsynchronized, chunk-based long buffer for storing LCs and VTD. |
NodeRecorder |
Node record allows one to record the node position of VTDNav. |
TextIter |
This class iterates through all text nodes of an element. |
VTDGen |
VTD Generator implementation. |
VTDNav |
The VTD Navigator allows one to navigate XML document represented in VTD
records and Location caches. |
XMLModifier |
XMLModifier offers an easy-to-use interface for users to
take advantage of the incremental update of VTD-XML
The XML modifier assumes there is a master document on which
the modification is applied: users can remove an element, update
a token, replace an element name, or insert new content anywhere in the document
transcoding methods are built-in
The process:
* The modification operations are recorded first
* The output() is called to generate output document |