Uses of Class

Packages that use NavExceptionHuge

Uses of NavExceptionHuge in com.ximpleware.extended

Methods in com.ximpleware.extended that throw NavExceptionHuge
 int VTDNavHuge.compareRawTokenString(int index, java.lang.String s)
          New in 2.0 Compare the string against the token at the given index value.
 int VTDNavHuge.compareTokens(int i1, VTDNavHuge vn2, int i2)
          This method compares two VTD tokens of VTDNav objects The behavior of this method is like compare the strings corresponds to i1 and i2, meaning for text or attribute val, entities will be converted into the corresponding char
 int VTDNavHuge.compareTokenString(int index, java.lang.String s)
          New in 2.0 Compare the string against the token at the given index value.
 boolean VTDNavHuge.contains(int index, java.lang.String s)
          Test whether a given token contains s.
 boolean VTDNavHuge.endsWith(int index, java.lang.String s)
          Test the end of token content at index i matches the content of s, notice that this is to save the string allocation cost of using String's built-in endsWidth
 int AutoPilotHuge.evalXPath()
          This method returns the next node in the nodeset it returns -1 if there is no more node Afer finishing evaluating, don't forget to reset the xpath
 int VTDNavHuge.getAttrVal(java.lang.String an)
          Get the token index of the attribute value given an attribute name.
 int VTDNavHuge.getAttrValNS(java.lang.String URL, java.lang.String ln)
          Get the token index of the attribute value of given URL and local name.
 int VTDNavHuge.getRawStringLength(int index)
 int VTDNavHuge.getStringLength(int index)
 boolean VTDNavHuge.hasAttr(java.lang.String an)
          Test whether current element has an attribute with the matching name.
 boolean VTDNavHuge.hasAttrNS(java.lang.String URL, java.lang.String ln)
          Test whether the current element has an attribute with matching namespace URL and localname.
 boolean AutoPilotHuge.iterate()
          Iterate over all the selected element nodes in document order.
 boolean VTDNavHuge.matchElement(java.lang.String en)
          Test if the current element matches the given name.
 boolean VTDNavHuge.matchElementNS(java.lang.String URL, java.lang.String ln)
          Test whether the current element matches the given namespace URL and localname.
 boolean VTDNavHuge.matchRawTokenString(int index, java.lang.String s)
          Match the string against the token at the given index value.
 boolean VTDNavHuge.matchTokens(int i1, VTDNavHuge vn2, int i2)
          This method matches two VTD tokens of VTDNav objects
 boolean VTDNavHuge.matchTokenString(int index, java.lang.String s)
          Match the string against the token at the given index value.
 double VTDNavHuge.parseDouble(int index)
          Convert a vtd token into a double.
 float VTDNavHuge.parseFloat(int index)
          Convert a vtd token into a float.
 int VTDNavHuge.parseInt(int index)
          Convert a vtd token into an int.
 long VTDNavHuge.parseLong(int index)
          Convert a vtd token into a long.
 boolean VTDNavHuge.startsWith(int index, java.lang.String s)
          Test the start of token content at index i matches the content of s, notice that this is to save the string allocation cost of using String's built-in startsWidth
 boolean VTDNavHuge.toElement(int direction)
          A generic navigation method.
 boolean VTDNavHuge.toElement(int direction, java.lang.String en)
          A generic navigation method.
 boolean VTDNavHuge.toElementNS(int direction, java.lang.String URL, java.lang.String ln)
          A generic navigation method with namespace support.
 java.lang.String VTDNavHuge.toNormalizedString(int index)
          This method normalizes a token into a string in a way that resembles DOM.
 java.lang.String VTDNavHuge.toRawString(int index)
          Convert a token at the given index to a String, (built-in entity and char references not resolved) (entities and char references not expanded).
 java.lang.String VTDNavHuge.toRawStringLowerCase(int index)
 java.lang.String VTDNavHuge.toRawStringUpperCase(int index)
 java.lang.String VTDNavHuge.toString(int index)
          Convert a token at the given index to a String, (entities and char references resolved).
 java.lang.String VTDNavHuge.toStringLowerCase(int index)
          Convert a token at the given index to a String and any upper case character will be converted to lower case, (entities and char references resolved).
 java.lang.String VTDNavHuge.toStringUpperCase(int index)
          Convert a token at the given index to a String and any lower case character will be converted to upper case, (entities and char references resolved).